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 Developing a good teaching plan with appropriate corresponding materials is a process . . .  try to build in flexibility; keep what works; discard what doesn't!

TOPIC 3:   Planning a syllabus /Selecting texts and materials / Addressing diversity & disabilities

1. Planning a syllabus

a. basic syllabus guidelines
b. the “Course Information Document”

2. Selecting texts and materials

a. how to locate, review and select texts for a class
b. do you actually need a textbook?

3. Addressing diversity & disabilities

a. UA's Disability Resource Center and S.A.L.T.

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT  (due in class Wed Feb 2nd when you'll have the opportunity to share your ideas about your evolving syllabus, including what you learned as you constructed it)

USEFUL FOLLOW-UP READING:  Planning a syllabus /Selecting texts and materials

On Syllabus Preparation:

- The UA course syllabus policies (see above)

- Iowa State's Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching site on
    "How to Create an Effective Syllabus"

-Washington University's Teaching Center site on "Preparing a Syllabus":

On Textbook Selection:

 - Science Teaching Reconsidered:  (Chapter 7 Choosing and Using Instructional Resources)
     - other sections in this resource are quite useful!

- A slightly dated but interesting essay: R. Lewis (1992) Textbook Adoption: How Do Professors Select The Right One? The Scientist 6 [7] and comment: W. Farnsworth (2004) In Teaching Science, Let The Textbook Support The Classwork, Not Vice Versa,”  The Scientist 6[11]. 

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