Compiled by:  Dr. Katie Hirschboeck,
 Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research

New:  UAccess procedures and updated links!
Last updated 26 January 201
(note that some links still need to be updated)

Please send your suggestions for any needed additions,
deletions, or corrections to this page to:

Office of Instruction and Assessment (OIA)

Additional Teaching-Related Information & Links

Jump to FAQ Answers

Getting ready to teach

Academic Policies, Forms & Other Important Information

Evaluation of Teaching

Curriculum Scheduling Matters & Proposing a New Course 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with Answers

Where can I find information or a tutorial about the UAccess Instructor Center?

The UAccess Instructor Center is the new system of record for class rosters and grading.  You will automatically have access to this area if you are an instructor of record for a class.  To learn a few basics about how to use it, see the following:

Training Guide to the Instructor Center [pdf]
Training videos  (provide an overview of the Instructor Center and how to use the grade roster)
Instructor Center Grade Roster FAQ [pdf]


How do I get a current class list online?


1. Log in to UAccess and click on Instructor Center* (in the UAccess Student section).  This will take you to your Instructor Center Custom Portal containing the list of all the course sections you are scheduled to teach.
2. Click on the class roster icon to the left of each class section to open up the list of students enrolled in that section.                       
The banner across the top of the class roster looks like this:
3. To download a printable xls file of the class roster, click on the tiny spreadsheet icon in the top banner, just to the right of "Find" :
[NOTE: if the xls file does not open up, you may have to try a different browser or change your browser's security settings to allow pop ups or the ability for a file to open in a new window.]  

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How do I find out if there are students with learning disabilities needing special accommodations in one of my classes?

After logging in to UAccess, go to your Instructor Center Custom Portal, then find the class you want, and click on the class roster icon to open up the list of students enrolled in your class.
Then click on the Disibility Resources icon located above the far right column of the roster (i.e. above the Admin Drop column) and a new page will open up with information from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) about the students in your class. You'll get a List of students who work with Disability Resources and their possible accommodations and you will also be able to:

- Indicate whether you would like Disability Resources to administer your
   tests with accommodations and provide test administration instructions

- Check the students who are registered to test at the DRC for each of your exam dates

- Grant the DRC Guest privileges to my D2L Website for this course

Note that the DRC has a Recommended Syllabus Statement on providing accommodations for students with disabilities.  The statement is copied below and is also on the DRC website at: drc.arizona.edu/teach/syllabus-statement.html

 Students with Disabilities:

If you anticipate barriers related to the format or requirements of this course, please meet with me so that we can discuss ways to ensure your full participation in the course. If you determine that disability-related accommodations are necessary, please register with Disability Resources (621-3268; drc.arizona.edu) and notify me of your eligibility for reasonable accommodations. We can then plan how best to coordinate your accommodations.

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What is my UA NetID and how to I get one if I don't have it?

A UA Net ID allows you to enter many of the restricted websites in the UA system.  If you have an email.arizona.edu email account, then you have a UA NetID.   UA NetID is identical to the first part of the email.arizona.edu email account.  E.g. if your email address is douglass@email.arizona.edu, then your UA NetID is douglass and the password is identical to what you use to access your email.arizona.edu email.

  To learn more and for directions on how to get your UANetID go to: https://netid.arizona.edu/
To learn more about various computer accounts available through UITS go to  http://account.arizona.edu after you obtain your UANetID.

How do I post my course webpage on the official schedule of classes?

As far as I know there is no easy way to attach your course homepage to the UAccess Schedule of Classes.  (This was simple to do in earlier Schedule of Classes and was very useful for students when browsing for classes, so the absence of this function is irksome!)


How do I find an appropriate classroom or find out what equipment is in a particular classroom?

Visit the University of Arizona Room Databasehttp://cdb.uaav.arizona.edu/  From this site you can search for classrooms with specific characteristics, view photos of the classrooms, and find out what kind of teaching equipment is located in each classroom.


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How do I order my textbooks, arrange a class notes packet, or develop  a custom textbook for my course?

Faculty can order their textbooks through the UA Bookstore online at the bookstore's Textbook Adoption Site where you will also find various Faculty Resources to aid you, including "Cost-saving textbook options" for your students. For special orders or if you want to talk to a real person, see the Contact Information on the Textbook Adoption Site.

The UA Bookstore (in conjunction with Fast Copy located in the ASUA Union) can arrange class notes, course packet reproductions, and custom publishing for out-of-print books.  They will also guide you in copyright policies and obtain copyright clearance for you. 

If you teach a fairly large course and/or want to put together a custom textbook for your course based on selected chapters from existing textbooks and/or additional instructional materials (produced by you or others), there are publishing houses that will produce custom texts for you.  Katie has used Pearson Custom Publishing to produce textbooks for her NATS Tier One Intro to Global Change class.  THe Textbook Adoption Site also suggests the Espresso Book Machine® available through the UA Bookstore (one of only a handful of college bookstores who own one).


How do I order special audiovisual equipment for a classroom?

See details at the University Teaching Center (UTC) Equipment Services website: http://www.uaav.arizona.edu/orderinfo.html


What is the University Teaching Team Program and how can it benefit my classes?

The Teaching Teams Program provides "dynamic resources for learning and instruction at the University of Arizona" including academic and leadership skills workshops for preceptors (peer tutors) for your classes and assistance to faculty in working with preceptors. Visit the Teaching Team Program webpage:  https://teachingteams.arizona.edu/ to learn more about  what is involved. The program's Faculty Toolkit page lists "5 Simple Strategies for Instructors" and explains what the program can do to help you "improve course content delivery and student success" in your classes. 


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What is the D2L course management system and how do I request a D2L Course Site?

D2L ("Desire 2 Learn") (login at: http://d2l.arizona.edu/ ) is a web-based course management system that provides an electronic learning environment which can be used to augment your lecture class (with online quizzes, discussions, chat room, gradebook, etc.) or for distance learning.  It consists of an online set of tools that allow an instructor to accomplish instructional goals that are difficult in a face-to-face setting.  It can be used for any course whether it is primarily face-to-face, completely online, or anything in between. A D2L course site allows "anytime, anywhere" access to syllabi, course readings, multi-media files, electronic dropboxes, online quizzes, grading, and more.

There is an extensive online help for instructors site (includes tool manuals, quick start guides, video tutorials, and FAQs) on how to set up a D2L site and use its tools (for both instructors and students) see:  http://help.d2l.arizona.edu/.  The D2L Support Team also offers Open Labs & Appointments.

Get the latest D2L News by subscribing to the D2L listserv .  Monthly D2L Newsletters are posted here.

 Directions on how to submit a D2L Course Site Request (CSR) are posted here: http://help.d2l.arizona.edu/content/course-site-request-csr-overview   A professor or a graduate teaching assistant can be registered as a designer of the course to maintain the site.  In addition, all of the teaching assistants for the course can be registered so that they have access to enter grades and maintain the D2L gradebook.

Note that It is expected that instructors and developers will abide by copyright laws when making materials accessible via a D2L course site. See: Fair Use Checklist.

The main entry page URL for D2L is http://d2l.arizona.edu/  Here you can find information for both Instructors and Students about logging in, and a HELP link to the tutorials on how to use different D2L tools.


What other types of INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLS and SUPPORT are available for me?

The Office of Instruction and Assessment OIA  provides support for an array of  Instructional Resources along with numerous other instructional support services for using instructional techniques and technology both in and out of the classroom.  Here's a list of all the OIA Staff:  http://oia.arizona.edu/staff list )  Click on a photo to see a description of each one's expertise.

For the latest news and announcements of workshops and training opportunities, see the OIA News page and the Workshops & Classes link.

The OIA Faculty & Future Faculty Development team canprovides a variety of support to "help you create a new course or improve your current course, suggest strategies to improve student learning and engagement, or answer your questions about teaching and learning." They are "skilled in instructional design and learning theory, and can suggest research-based strategies for your in-person, online, or hybrid course." They can also "conduct classroom observations and student focus groups, review and make suggestions to improve your syllabus, help interpret your TCE results, guide faculty learning communities, or talk with you about your teaching concerns."


How do I find out the dates of interfaith religious holidays so I can avoid scheduled tests and exams on those days?

The UA's Office of the Registrar has a great website for this at: http://registrar.arizona.edu/calendar-religious-holidays

You can also  find a very complete Interfaith Calendar site at:   http://www.interfaithcalendar.org/index.htm

The UA academic policy on accommodation of religious observance and practice is located at:


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Where can I find the academic policies and guidelines related to teaching GENERAL EDUCATION courses? 

The General Education Faculty Page: http://www.gened.arizona.edu/faculty  contains the critical information every instructor who teaches a Gen Ed course needs to know, especially the following:

See these links for a general overview of the General Education Curriculum and its Academic Policies

Policies specific to students can be found at:

Student requirements for Tier One and Tier Two courses are spelled out at:

See also these links for another entry into the General Edcuation information & policies:

General Education Curriculum
General Education Foundations
General Education Tier One and Tier Two

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What is FERPA and why do I need to know about this federal law if I'm teaching a course or interacting with students?

  FERPA is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.   FERPA is the federal law that governs the rights of students and institutional responsibilities with respect to student records. An online tutorial is available to acquaint or reacquaint members of the faculty and staff with the law regarding student records as it affects faculty and staff duties, and to clarify some of the questions that arise in connection with electronic access to student records.  Find the tutorial at: http://www.registrar.arizona.edu/ferpacourse/ 

Where can I find information on Copyright Law for Instructors?

The UA Library has an online COPYRIGHT GUIDE which may answer many of your questions. Be sure to check out the Guidelines for Instructors section.

Another place to visit is this article from the June 24, 2009 Chronicle of Higher Education "Colleges Offer Online Help on Copyright Law for Instructors" which includes a link to The City University of New York’s Baruch College
:  Interactive Guide to Using Copyrighted Media in Your Courses


What are my Faculty Ownership Rights in Lecture Notes and Course Materials and how can I prevent them from being violated?

The UA General Counsel has issued a memorandum advising faculty on protecting copyright interests in lecture notes and course materials on 1-26-2017.
That memorandum can be found HERE: Faculty Ownership Rights in Lecture Notes and Course Materials  [doc]

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What other important policies and legal issues should I be aware of?

When you REQUEST A D2L COURSE SITE you will need to be aware of and familiar with them!!

Instructors should be fully aware of and adhere to student privacy rights and grading policies as outlined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. As a reminder, publicly posting grades by any method other than randomly assigned numbers, provided on a one time basis, is not permitted.

It is expected that instructors and developers will abide by copyright laws when making materials accessible via a D2L course site.  See the following links:

Fair Use & Copyright:


Where can I find all the information I need about GRADING POLICIES & GRADE FORMS?

See the Office of the Registrar's very helpful Grading Policy Manual http://www.registrar.arizona.edu/gradepolicy/index.htm

Where can I find information on ACADEMIC INTEGRITY?

See the Dean of Students Academic Integrity site for an overview of faculty and student responsibilities and other information related to Academic Integrity, including FAQs and an Academic Integrity Process Flowchart.

The Code of Academic Integrity  can be found online at:  

FORMS from the Dean of Students for use in this process are available and posted HERE:

       Online Faculty/Student Conference form
       Sanctions for Multiple Violations form
       Request for Appeal of the Code of Academic Integrity form
       Record of Appeal to Dean of the College form
       Request for Appeal to a University Hearing Board form

These forms are available on the Dean of Students Office home page,
www.dos.web.arizona.edu, under the Quick Links to DOS Forms section. 

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What is the policy on the information a course syllabus should contain?

The UA Undergraduate Course Syllabus Policy  can be found at:
http://policy.web.arizona.edu/faculty-affairs-and-academics/course-syllabus-policy-undergraduate-template  and lists 17 items that you should provide in your syllabi for undergraduate courses. 

The UA Graduate Course Syllabus Policy can be found at:

For faculty preparing General Education course proposals (Tier 1 or Tier 2) a syllabus must  be submitted as part of the proposal and it must include some specific information.  The UA Course Syllabus Policy amended for General Educationthis can be found at: 

Note also that the Disability Resource Center (DRC) has a Recommended Syllabus Statement on providing accommodations for students with disabilities.  The statement is copied below and is also on the DRC website at: drc.arizona.edu/teach/syllabus-statement.html

 Students with Disabilities:

If you anticipate barriers related to the format or requirements of this course, please meet with me so that we can discuss ways to ensure your full participation in the course. If you determine that disability-related accommodations are necessary, please register with Disability Resources (621-3268; drc.arizona.edu) and notify me of your eligibility for reasonable accommodations. We can then plan how best to coordinate your accommodations.


Where can I find a list of all official Academic Policies?

Go to All Policies (in the current academic catalog) at:  http://catalog.arizona.edu/policies
 At this link you can filter the list for Undergraduate Policies, Graduate Policies, and various Policy Types.


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What is the official academic policy on Class Attendance & Administrative Drops?

See the official policy on Class Attendance and Administrative Drops at:

How do I do an Administrative Drop?

After logging in to UAccess, go to your Instructor Center Custom Portal, then find the class you want, and click on the class roster icon to open up the list of students enrolled in your class.
In the far right column under Admin Drop, place a check next to the student you want to Administratively drop.
  Then, to submit the Administrative Drop, click on the administrative drop bar located at the bottom of the class roster page


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How do students add or drop my course?

Students will be able to automatically add or drop your course via UAccess for a specified period. After this period, all adds and drops must be processed by obtaining your signature on the Change of Schedule (Drop-Add Form).  Details on Using a Change of Schedule (Drop/Add) Form can be found at:

You can find the relevant dates for UAccess adds/drops vs. Change of Schedule add/drops (which require your signature) on the Dates & Deadlines page for the current semester:

NOTE:  students will usually appear with their Change of Schedule forms in hand.  Click here for a downloadable Change of Schedule (Drop-Add Form) (pdf) if you need one.)

What is the difference between a WITHDRAWAL vs. COMPLETE WITHDRAWAL for a student?

To help students distinguish between dropping a few courses and completely withdrawing from the University, the Withdrawal policy has been amended. The need to differentiate the drop process from the withdrawal process was brought to the attention of the Undergraduate Council (UGC) in Spring 2007. The Registrar drafted a proposal to clarify which grades appear on the student's permanent record and when complete withdrawals are available.  The proposal was approved by UGC in January 2008, Graduate Council in March, and Faculty Senate on 5/05/08. 

The amended policy is effective for all incoming and continuing undergraduate and graduate studentsIt may be found in the policies section of the current General Catalog at the following URL: http://catalog.arizona.edu/policy/leaving-university   

Rationale for the Amendment:

 To distinguish the process of dropping courses from that of withdrawing from the University, the word "complete" has been added to "withdrawal" in the title and within the Catalog text.  To clarify when a complete withdrawal results in deletion of courses from the student's record versus a notation on the record, those time periods are clearly defined.  Also added is the fact that a complete withdrawal isn't available in Summer/Winter Sessions or during other non-standard course terms.


Where can I find information on the FINAL EXAM REGULATIONS?

 See the FINAL EXAMINATION REGULATIONS & INFORMATION  which are spelled out at: http://www.registrar.arizona.edu/students/courses/final-exams   Here are just a few of the items covered that might come up in your classes:

-- policy for when a student has two or more exams scheduled for the same time period
-- policy for when a student has four or more exams scheduled for one day 
-- policy for when a graduating student a final scheduled during their college commencement 
-- policy on final exams in fully online courses

Also listed is the following policy about giving exams during the last week of classes (which some instructors either ignore or don't seem to know about!):

It is Faculty Senate policy that all forms of exams (quizzes, take homes, etc.) are prohibited on any scheduled class or reading day during the calendar week in which regularly scheduled final exams begin. Specific exceptions for certain courses may be made with approval from the appropriate academic unit head and academic dean. Students shall be informed of any such exceptions in the class syllabus.

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Some links below this point still need to be updated for 2017 . . .


How do I record and submit FINAL GRADES?

You may assign final grades directly into the GRADE ROSTER of UAccess Instructor Center or from within D2L:

To learn how to assign final grades using the UAccess Grade Roster directly, see:

Training Guide to the Instructor Center [pdf]
Training videos  (provide an overview of the Instructor Center and how to use the grade roster)
Instructor Center Grade Roster FAQ [pdf]

To learn how to assign final grades to the UAccess Grade Roster from within D2L, see:

Grade Roster and D2L


Where can I find information about assigning a grade of INCOMPLETE? 

Here is the official POLICY ON GRADES OF  INCOMPLETE (I) from the Grading Policy Manual: http://www.registrar.arizona.edu/gradepolicy/incomplete.htm

This website describes the university policy on giving the grade of Incomplete and includes a form that was approved by the Faculty Senate in November 2007 that should be used as part of the process on awarding a grade of Incomplete.

It contains a  link to the new Report of Incomplete Grade form. 
[pdf] http://www.registrar.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/Incomplete_Grade_Report_11-21-07.pdf


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How do I submit a change of grade for a student?

Instructors now have the ability to change grades online for the current term during the open grading period.  The open grading period begins on the last day of class for any term and ends 2 weeks later. (Once the open grading period is over the paper Change of Grade process must be used.)

In addition, all grade changes for I=Incomplete grade assignments will be done online.  The paper process for incomplete grade changes will no longer exist. Incomplete grades remain open via the Grade Change Request process until they expire.  

This Online Grade Change Tutorial [PDF] provides instructions on the online change of grade process.  The key steps are copied below:

If a paper Change of Grade form needs to be submitted, they are only available for in-person pick up by faculty and staff with photo ID. Students, including student employees, are not permitted to pick up the Change of Grade form.  The department's Main Office has copies of the paper Change of Grade Form.  For any change of grade other than the removal of an Incomplete, the paper form requires the signature of the Department Head.

What is the GRADE APPEAL PROCESS (and why should I be especially attentive to what my syllabus says)?

See the Grade Appeal Policy  (for undergraduate courses)

Undergradaute Course Grade Appeals: The basis for filing a grade appeal in an undergraduate course is limited to fundamental fairness in treatment of the student by the instructor, as specified by a syllabus conforming to the Undergraduate Course Syllabus Policy (http://web.arizona.edu/~policy/syllabus.shtml) that is supplied to students at the beginning of the semester, and in light of grading of the student by the instructor relative to other students in the same course and section.  Issues that do not meet these criteria are not appropriate for an undergraduate grade appeal. 

Gradaute Course Grade Appeals:  Since graduate courses are not subject to a course syllabus policy, grades given in graduate courses may be appealed on the basis of fundamental fairness. A graduate or undergraduate student may appeal a grade by using the following procedures. Where mentioned, the words college, dean, and department head are the department or college in which the course being appealed is offered. All timelines refer to the first regular (16-week) semester after the semester or summer term in which the grade was awarded. Grade appeals are not processed during the summer sessions unless the dean determines a case warrants immediate review.

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Where can students find downloadable ONLINE FORMS  from the Office of the Registrar?

Direct them to: http://registrar.arizona.edu/registrarforms  to get downloadable PDF's for forms such as Change of Schedule (Drop/Add), Grade Replacement Opportunity (GRO) etc.


Where can I find out what to do about Disruptive and Threatening Students?

Go to the Dean of Students' website on Disruptive and Threatening Students :

From the site:  The University seeks to promote a safe teaching and learning environment where students and employees may participate in the educational process, free from material and substantial classroom disruptions and without compromising their health, safety or welfare. In 2004, The University of Arizona finalized two policies addressing disruptive and threatening behaviors:

Policy on Disruptive Behavior in an Instructional Setting

Policy on Threatening Behavior by Students

To help clarify the difference between disruptive and threatening behavior and the course of action to be taken with either behavior, the Dean of Students Office has created guidelines which can be found at:   Disruptive and Threatening Student Guidelines


How do I submit a Student Code of Conduct Complaint online?  

The Dean of Students Office has an Academic Integrity Website for Faculty that states:  "A goal of The Dean of Students Office is to help instructors minimize the risks of academic integrity violations in the course(s) they teach. This site also provides the steps to be taken if an instructor believes academic dishonesty has occurred." 

The site: http://deanofstudents.arizona.edu/academicintegrityforfaculty assists faculty with important and useful information that covers the following:

Is there a violation?
Record of Faculty/Student Conference Form
Plagiarism Workshop
Code of Academic Integrity Flowchart
Tips for Promoting Academic Integrity
Helpful links for faculty
Disruptive and Threatening Student Behavior/guidelines for faculty and staff PDF 


Where can I find out information that will help me ADVISE students?

See the "Information for Advisors" at the Advising Resource Center and Advising Policies & Procedures.  The latter provides lots of guidelines about Gen Ed advising, "double dipping," petitions & grade appeals, plus many other issues that come up.

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Where can I find my own TCE teaching evaluations online?

The TCE evaluations for most courses taught are online at the website of the Assessment and Enrollment Research http://aer.arizona.edu/AER/    Instructors can now obtain all the reports in their TCE history online (in PDF files) via the Instructor TCE Link  (requires login).  This is a restricted page for instructors only and the data appearing is linked to you via your UA Net ID and password for access.  It contains comparison plots of each of your courses (over time and with comparison groups), and a variety of other resources and information.    You will receive the hard copies of student written comments via campus mail if you used paper evaluation forms.  Online evaluation of your course by students is also possible.  See:  http://aer.arizona.edu/AER/OnlineTCEHelp.asp  You can also request customized forms.

The Assessment and Enrollment Research Office has an excellent guide on how to interpret your TCE ratings (in PDF format) at: http://aer.arizona.edu/AER/teaching/Guide/TCEGuide.pdf   AInforamtion is alos available at this link: http://oirps.arizona.edu/TCEUnderstandingResults.asp


Where can students find TCE evaluations (The Ratings Report) for any course online?

Students (or anyone with a UA Net ID) can see the TCE results for individual instructors and classes at the Rating Results Report site.(requires UANetID login).  The Ratings Results Report shows Teacher-Course Evaluation results for most UA courses taught during the past three years.  It is presented in cooperation with the Associated Students of the University of Arizona (ASUA). These online reports show the raw statistics only, with no comparison or summary data and do not include any written comments. 


Is there a FORM I can use to complete my mandatory semester evaluation of my TEACHING ASSISTANTS for the Graduate College?

I've adapted a supervisor's TA evaluation form that the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program (G.I.D.P) office uses for this purpose.  It can be used for any TA or course.  Click HERE to get it.  It's in MS Word format and you can just type in the information, check the appropriate boxes, add comments, and print it out or submit it electronically.


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How do I construct a Teaching Portfolio?

The following links provide some suggestions and guidelines from various sources:

A Short Guide for Evaluating Teaching  (pdf file) -- contains a section on teaching portfolios and lots of other useful info on evaluating teaching, although many of the links are now outdated  (written by Elena Berman, PhD, formerly of University of Arizona Assessment & Enrollment Research)

Guidelines for creating a teaching portfolio.

The Teaching Portfolio    (pdf file)
        (A publication of The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Brown University) 

Teaching Portfolios 
        (University of Virginia Teaching Resource Center; site includes several short online articles and a bibliography)

For Graduate Students:

Teaching Assistant Program Handbook (see Chapter 4 for a section on Teaching Portfolios for graduate students)
        (from TA Program, Michigan State University) 

Elements of a Portfolio 
Department of English, West Virginia University; for grad students seeking jobs, etc.)


How do I get a NEW COURSE approved and what is the timeline for getting courses in the CLASS SCHEDULE?

See this helpful site outlining Course Approval Services from the Course Approval Office of the Office of the Registrar:  http://registrar.arizona.edu/courseapproval/

Proposing a New Course   Faculty seeking to establish a new (or temporary) course should do so by working with the staff person assigned to curriculum matters in the department which will be offering the course.  

Looking for info on the University's "standard" start and end times for scheduling your class? 

See the Room & Course Scheduling (RCS) page for useful information about scheduling a class (formerly know as the "Greenbar" process): http://rcs.registrar.arizona.edu/

At RCS you can also find information on Scheduling Events, including Room Use Policies and an ONLINE FORM to request a classroom for a course-related event (e.g. review session).


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How do I get a new GENERAL EDUCATION course (Tier I or II)  approved?

Faculty who wish to develop a new General Education course (Tier I or Tier II level) should start by reviewing:
Instructions for Submitting All General Education Course Proposals http://gened.oia.arizona.edu/content/instructions-all-general-education-course-proposals

Which spells out the following steps:

1.  Read the General Education Philosophy Statement and the Policy Regarding Who Can Teach University-wide General Education Courses

2. Review the Suggested Syllabus Format for suggestions to help you develop your syllabus.

3. Look over the Course Proposal Rubric that the UWGEC will use to evaluate your proposal

4.  The course proposal should be submitted through Form Link for approval by your department, school, and college.

5.  Include General Education course approval in your route for review. In the Form Link process, Office of the Registrar, you will need to provide information pertinent to the General Education Guidelines.  The proposal will be routed to the University-wide General Education Committee (UWGEC) for consideration.  The review process may take 1-2 months, depending on the UWGEC meeting schedule.  If more information is needed or if changes are necessary before the course meets General Education standards, the Committee will contact you.

6. Email a copy of your syllabus to UWGEC via Celeste Pardee, Curriculum Associate, cpardee@email.arizona.edu.

Relevant information for GenEd course proposals is also at: http://gened.oia.arizona.edu/content/proposing-course


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When submitting a syllabus to Form Link, how do I copy Syllabus HTML Source Code using Office 2007?

This email from Sandy (Beeler) Gonzales <beelers@email.arizona.edu> sent to faculty on 3/20/2008 provides the answer:

The Form Link application relies on the ability of the course initiator to convert a syllabus document to a web page, view and copy the source code then paste into the Form Link form to be routed for approval by various departments/colleges/etc. This allows everyone who views and approves the form to see the syllabus document in a readable format for judging the academic quality of the course material.

Many academic units are now upgrading to MS Office 2007. This means that if you are using Office 2007 you need to change the way you convert your syllabus document to a webpage. So, if you are using Office 2007, use the following method:

1.  Create or open the proposed syllabus document.
2.  Click the [Microsoft Office Button], and then click [Save As] or click [Other Formats].
2.  In the Save as type list, click [Web Page (*.htm;.html*)] format that you want to save the file in. 3.  Click [Save]. 4.  Open the web page that you just saved.
5.  Click the [Page] menu, and then click [View Source].
6.  You can select, copy, and paste the source code into the Form Link syllabus box.

Additionally, make it a habit of reviewing comments in course forms that have been approved including new courses, deletions, and modifications. Approved forms can be found in your "Completed Forms" box. Changes may have been made to the original form material submitted and it will be noted in the comments section. This includes things like effective terms, prerequisites, crosslisting, number change, description edits, etc.
If there is disagreement with the changes noted, please contact me as soon as possible for resolution.



Neat Pedagogical Tools:


Office of Instruction and Assessment (OIA)   http://oia.arizona.edu/  Support to the UA teaching community in course and curriculum design, online course development, program and classroom assessment and evaluation, instructional strategies and learning technologies.

          NOTE: The University Teaching Center & Learning Technologies Center have been merged into OIA

OIA Staff List

Office of Student Computing Resources (OSCR) Computer help for students and faculty, a part of
UITS, University Information Technology Services

Teacher Course Evaluation Website (TCE)
Understanding your TCE results:  http://aer.arizona.edu/AER/teaching/Guide/TCEGuide.asp

General Education website

Graduate College

UA Academic Catalogs
(current and past years)


UA Library's Avoiding Plagiarism Website & Tutorial

Turnitin.com  &  UA Turnitin contacts
SBS College Turnitin Instructions
Using TurnItIn Plagarism Detection with a D2L Dropbox Folder
Viewing TurnItIn Originality Reports in D2L

The Academic Integrity Workshop: Skills for a Lifetime  (Dean of Students Office)


Katie Hirschboeck's "Class Support Links"

The Think Tank
home of the Writing Center, Math and Science tutoring, Spanish tutoring, weekly course reviews, Supplemental Instruction, and Peer Mentoring 

The Writing Center (in the Think Tank)

Researching & Writing Literature Reviews (UA Library)

UA Library Workshops - how to create a webpage, HTML, Powerpoint, etc.

The Honors College

Dean of Students Office

S.A.L.T. (Strategic Alternative Learning Techniques)
center for learning disabilities

DRC (Disabilities Resource Center)

Testing Accommodations Center
--run by the DRC, Phone: 621-3268, Fax:  621-9423, email:  testing@email.arizona.edu

Campus Health Service
(including CAPS, Counseling and Psychological Services)

Student Life Policies

For Grad Students:

Making the Most of Your Mentoring Opportunities  (presentation by K.K. Hirschboeck given at UA Graduate Student Orientation)

Katie's NATS 101 Introduction to Global Change GTA Pedagogy Background & Orientation Page


Instructional & Course Objectives / Student Learning Outcomes: 



Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) Learner Centered Education Project Report (sponsored by Arizona Faculties Council & Arizona Board of Regents)

Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF-AT) -- a new kind of test answer form

Faculty Development Links
(from University of Oregon; includes links to Faculty Development Centers Around the World, Instructional Web Resources, Good Teaching Ideas, Teaching Portfolios, etc.)


Compiled by K.K. Hirschboeck, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
Last updated 20 January 2011



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