Arizona Envirothon 2015

Urban/Community Forestry

Other Web Links

AZ Envirothon

The World Wide Web is a prolific source of information in this modern age. Most of the Web is not peer-reviewed, that is, read and checked by independent experts. Therefore, the web's information must be consumed with caution. It's always best to seek corroboration of information across multiple sources.

Here are several web sites that focus on the issues of Arizona forests and trees and on this year's Envirothon topic of alternative/renwable energy. Many of these web sites link to yet more web sites. The last one listed here is about general forest ecotones in Arizona; don't miss it.

Phoenix Urban Forestry

Phoenix AZ Tree and Shade Master Plan: Phoenix has a master plan. It's available from this web site, or directly as a pdf from here. Really good for ideas for Envirothon Urban Forestry.

Arizona State Forestry

Arizona State Forestry Urban Forests Needs Assessment Survey: A good resource for more ideas on urban forestry. From Arizona State Forestry (not ASU Forestry).

Arizona Urban Tree Map Instruction Guide: Another resource from Arizona State Forestry. Practical ideas for actually establishing urban forests.


I-Tree: USDA Forest Service product that provides urban forestry analysis and benefits assessment tools.

Urban Forestry Links from National Envirothon

On-line guides to important trees of Arizona

Note: You should be able to observe and describe tree specimens. Namely, describe the leaves (broad or needles, how long, how many needles per group), fruit (flowers or cones, scales, size), and bark (color, thickness, platy). Wikipedia on-line guides below are better than nothing, but a good basic tree guide for this is the "Golden Guide to Trees of North America."

Some Arizona Forest Ecology Sites