Program YUX Make casewise (column) data file USERS MANUAL for Program YUX by Richard L. Holmes Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona USA February 1999 Program YUX prepares a file that may be imported directly into most spreadsheet programs, placing one or more time series in column (casewise) format. The maximum number of columns is currently 200, maximum rows is 4096. Series may come from one file or from several files in the same or different formats. At your option the new file is either exclusive or inclusive: I: Inclusive, containing the full length of all series. If you choose to make the new file inclusive you are prompted for a symbol of up to eight characters for missing data (before the beginning and after the end of any series shorter than the entire time span). If you respond with then the character is null (ASCII value zero), which is recognized as missing data by many spreadsheet programs. Another is "NaN" (Not a Number). E: Exclusive, containing only the part of each series in the time interval common to all series. A series is rejected if it does not cover all or part of the common interval. The common interval is shortened if a new series being added covers part but not all of the current common interval. The user specifies a column delimiter; this may be any characters you type, up to 3. Frequently used delimiters are tab, comma, or one or more spaces; these are recognized by spreadsheets. Columns may be identified automatically with the series identification at the head of the column; you may type in a short identification for each column; or columns may have no identification. If any column identification is blank, the identification line is not printed. As series are read from the existing data file the identification and time span appear on the screen and you are prompted to say whether to include the series in the new file. You may respond "Y" for yes (default), "N" for no, "A" to take all remaining series in the file, or "Q" to quit this file: CPP01A Spans 1752 1920 169 data Include this series? /No/All/Quit: You may add data from additional files. Responding with will terminate adding data. Finally you are prompted for the name of an optional file containing identification for the rows; this will be the first column in the new file. Most often you will respond with , indicating there is no such file. In this case the first column will contain consecutive year numbers.