for Program TreeRing 3.0 June 7, 1997
Developed by Alexander V. Shashkin, Institute of Forestry, 660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia - Internet:
Harold C. Fritts, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, Univ. of Arizona and Dendro-Power, 5703 N. Lady Lane, Tucson 85704, USA.
Geoff Downes, CSIRO Forest Products Division, Melbourne, Australia, Internet: g.downes@forprod.CSIRO.AU.
Deborah Hemming, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, Univ. of Arizona.
Contact: H.C. Fritts, Phone: (520) 887 7291 both voice and fax Internet: hfritts@LTRR.ARIZONA.EDU
Alex Shashkin's Email is Alex does not have FTP capabilities so please contact Fritts concerning any file transfers.
The simplest way to install this program is to copy the Demonstration Disk (TRDEMO4.EXE) to the root directory of a hard drive. Then enter TRDEMO4.EXE -d which makes a directory DEMO and a subdirectory Data and extracts the files into the appropriate directory. The -d preserves the directory structure so be sure to enter: trdemo4 -d. If you leave out the -d, it will place all files into your root directory including the climatic data. The path statements used in the demo will expect the climatic data to be in the DATA subdirectory and the DEMO main directory. The GROW program will not work properly.
All Demo program and parameter files must be in the DEMO directory. The Data files are put in the Data subdirectory. The file "dosxmsf.exe" is a driver for running the program and should be in your path statement or in the directory. We have had some trouble running the program on an EGA monitor and it appears not to run on a 286 machine or less. The program is compiled in Micfosoft Fortran for a 386 or higher IBM compatable computer. To start the demonstration, enter "GROW". This is a new program developed by Dr. Henri Grissino-Mayer, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, to run the model through several options. It has liberal help files to guide you and explain some of the results..
An Adobe PDF file is included, modsimul.pdf. It is published in. To display this file, download the Adobe Acrobat Reader free.
Current versions are available from my home page /webhome/hal/hal1.html or you can download them by annomous FTP from directory sys/home/anonymou/pub/trdemo directory.
This work was supported in part by a COBASE travel grant from the National Academy of Science in 1994 and by CSIRO in 1996. If you want to participate with a small group that is developing this model, we will make the code available free of charge. Send us a note with a brief proposal or let us discuss your participation and formalize some sort of agreement.
Good luck and please let me know of any problems or what you think of the program. Harold C. Fritts
Download the TRREAD.ME4 HELP file first.
Download the Modeling Program (TRDEMO4.EXE) archive to a root directory on a hard drive. Extract the files by entering TRDEMO -d to make the DEMO and DATA directories as explained in the TrreadMe file. Run the program by simply go to the DEMO directory and enter START.
If you want a copy of the published manuscript download: Manuscript (SimModel.PDF).