Any PC-ORD maintenance fixes made since you received the software can be obtained for free by downloading improved version modules from the web. Fixes will be posted periodically as needed. Before accessing our site check the version of PC-ORD that you have by selecting Help|About from PC-ORD Then check the latest version posted at the MjM Software Design web site: To do this you will need access to the internet. Use your browser to connect to the address given above. Then click on "PC-ORD" to go to the PC-ORD for Windows page and click on "Download fixes" to go to the Download PC-ORD Fixes page. If the latest version posted is greater than what you have, download and save the fix file as PC4FIXES.EXE in your PCORD4 directory. Then run PC4FIXES.EXE. This is a self-extracting file. Guidelines for Network Installation of PC-ORD for Windows 1. Each user needs a unique working directory. Call this the "user's directory." The user's directory can be either on a local drive or on a network drive. However, the user's directory must be unique to that user or workstation and the user must have write access to that directory. 2. The "Start In" directory MUST be changed to that unique user's directory. Install PC-ORD in the normal way. Then right-click the PC-ORD icon, select "properties", and type in the name of the user's directory into the "start in" box. Conflicts will result if multiple users are writing to the same directory. Recommended setup: 1. Executable files are installed on network directory and shared by multiple users. 2. Users keep data files and temporary files on their own hard disks or in their own directory on a network drive. For class use: 1. Same as above, but each user should copy the shared data files into their own directories. 2. In computer classrooms, users may want to define their "Start in" directory as the floppy drive (usually the A drive). This allows users to preserve their own settings from one session to the next, regardless of which machine they are using. (Note, however, that the same thing is accomplished by having users use their own logical drive on the network, if such is available.) For more information, see "Network Environments" in the PC-ORD Help system after installation.