Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
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Our New Look

We would appreciate your comments on our new website design. Contact the LTRR Webmaster at

Current Site

The website's most recent growth ring was launched in early 2004. Paul Sheppard had already written the bulk of the content for the previous iteration. Rex Adams, Katie Hirshboeck, and the graduate students provided major contributions. Nearly everyone in the LTRR community made some thoughtful contribution to its development. We hope that this site reflects our community, our diversity, our enthusiasm for tree ring research, and our willingness to share these things with you. (LTRR graduate student Jeff Balmat designed and produced the 2004 site, under the guidance of the Website Committee: Ramzi Touchan, Paul Sheppard, and Martin Munro.)

Past Sites

The LTRR website has put on a couple of growth rings since it first went online in 1996. Major contributors to the foundation of the LTRR's web presence were Martin Munro, Paul Sheppard, and Henri Grissino-Mayer. You may view historical snapshots at the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.



homepage of the 1995 to 1999 version of the LTRR website homepage of the 2000 to 2004 version of the LTRR website

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Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
© Arizona Board of Regents
The University of Arizona
Main Office: 105 West Stadium
Tucson, AZ 85721 USA
phone 520-621-1608; fax 520-621-8229
updated: 25 January, 2005