A series of short, informal presentations highlighting the diverse research, teaching, and outreach activities currently in progress at The Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 8:45 am - 4:30 PM


520 North Park Ave, Room 253.

The ENRB is on the NE corner of Park & 6th St., just west of Zachary's Pizza. To find Room 253, go into the ground level courtyard area of the building and up the stairway to the courtyard on the second level. Room 253 is at the SW corner of the second level courtyard. We'll have a Tree-Ring Day sign posted on the door.


8:45 Welcome & Overview Malcolm Hughes & Katie Hirschboeck
9:00 Dendroclimatology & other projects Malcolm Hughes, Gary Funkhouser; Malcolm. Hughes, Martin Munro
9:30 Dendroecology & other projects Chris Baisan, Mark Kaib, Ros Wu, Dan Ryerson, Matt Rollins, Kurt Kipfmueller, Kiyomi Morino
10:00 Refreshment break Tour of National Weather Service Office
10:30 Archaeology projects Jim Parks, David Street, Ron Towner, Matt Salzer, Jeff Dean
11:00 Dendrohydrology & other projects Dave Meko, Chuck Stockton, Mary Glueck
11:30 The LTRR Visiting Fellows Program Malcolm Hughes and visitors: Juan Carlos Aravena, Hemant Borgaonkar, Markus Lindholm
12:00 Lunch for participants ENRB 2nd Level Courtyard
1:00 Special Projects Paul Sheppard, Martin Munro on computing, Hal Fritts
1:30 Synoptic Dendroclimatology & other projects Katie Hirschboeck, Fenbiao Ni, Mark Love
2:00 Teaching & Outreach Projects Katie Hirschboeck, Paul Sheppard, Melanie Lenart
2:30 Refreshment break Tour of National Weather Service Office
3:00 Isotope projects Steve Leavitt, Nicci Ricketts, Pete Van de Water, Ed Wright
3:30 Special Projects Ramzi Touchan, Gary Funkhouser, Amy Hessl
4:00 Closing