The following data files are in support of the article: "Recent unprecedented tree-ring growth in bristlecone pine at the highest elevations and possible causes" by Matthew W. Salzer, Malcolm K. Hughes, Andrew G. Bunn, and Kurt F. Kipfmueller.

The PRISM climate data can be found in the prism subdirectory. There are 4 instances of missing data from either PRL or MWA. In each case the missing month was set to previous month’s value. MWA: February 1937 Tmax = January 1937 Tmax; June 1947 Tmin = May 1947 Tmin. PRL: October 1924 Tmin = September 1924 Tmin; March 1952 Tmax = February 1952 Tmax.

Ring width measurement files ending with the extension .rwl are text files in tree-ring decadal format as used at the International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB):

The file shpage.rwl contains the ring-width data used to create the mean cambial age ring-width chronology in tree-ring decadal format.

Ring-width data files from the three upper treeline bristlecone pine sites in decadal text format are: shp.rwl, mwa.rwl, and prl.rwl (Sheep Mtn., Mount Washington, and Pearl Peak respectively). These files contain newly developed ring-width measurements and some ring-width measurements from previously archived material. Series starting with the three letter designations SHP, MTW, and PRL were, at least in part, previously developed and archived at the ITRDB. Discrepancies between our series and previously archived series with the same ID represent additions to or changes to the originals based on quality control and new information provided through the use of the augmented data set.

The ring-width data files used in the White Mountain elevational transect are shp.rwl, pal.rwl, cwl.rwl, and mwk.rwl (Sheep Mtn., Patriarch Lower, Cottonwood Lower, and Methuselah Walk respectively). The Methuselah series represents an update to previously archived material.

The subsets of stripbark and wholebark ring-width series used for Sheep Mtn. and Cottonwood Lower are provided in the legend of Table S2 and can be found in shp.rwl and cwl.rwl. In both cases all the series were used from the most recent collections (SHP in 2005 and CWL in 2006) for which we had data on bark percent.

The data files for the Graybill and Idso (1993) stripbark/wholebark comparisons (reference 13 in main paper) are shp_g_and_i_sbs.rwl - the ring-width measurements for the strip-bark trees, and shp_g_and_i_wbs.rwl - the ring-width measurements for the whole-bark trees. 

The eastern and western gridpoint density-based reconstructed temperature data are in the spreadsheet xd_eastwest.csv. See Rutherford et al. (2005) (reference 22 main paper) for more information about the density-based temperature reconstruction.