Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research

Why the past matters

Freshman Colloquium Arts and Sciences 195A, section 16, Spring 1996

Day of week:
From 10:00 to 10:50 a.m.
West Stadium (Building #58) Room 104G, plus site visits on campus.
Malcolm K. Hughes (Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research)

It is no accident that insurance companies use past records when figuring out how much to charge for insuring a particular risk, as do civil engineers when deciding how secure a house site is from flood or landslide. What has happened can happen. We will take several journeys into the past that will teach important practical lessons about our natural environment, and how people interact with it. In some cases we will meet the scientists or other scholars doing this work and you will have the opportunity to talk with them about the social usefulness of their work, as well as their other reasons for doing it. Some examples of the topics we will discuss are:

Each student will write two short position papers, each stating, and giving good reasons for supporting, their personal view of the value of knowledge of the past in answering one of the questions ending each of the bulleted paragraphs (above). These papers, and the quality of the student's contribution to class discussions, will be the basis of letter grades.

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If you find any problems contact webmaster@LTRR.Arizona.EDU. Last modified 17-Aug-1995.