9 March 2005    Mid-Term Exam                                   NAME ______________________  _______________________

Nats-101 Intro. to Global Change                                     Last(family)                            First (given)

For first 40 multiple choice questions, select the SINGLE BEST answer among the choices and place letter of correct answer in blank to the left. (#1-#48= 1.5pts each; #49=10 pts.; #50= 18 pts.[6 for writing; 12 for content])


Prof. Leavitt, YES, I DO understand the basics of the Earth System!  You will never want to go back to your radio DJ career after you see my mastery of the topics below:




     1. The Big Bang took place                   .

A. when the Earth formed                     C. 4.6 billion years years ago                  E. A & D

B. when the ocean formed                     D. 15 billion years years ago


     2. The farther a given galaxy is away from us, _________________.

A. the faster it is moving away from us               C. the more stars it contains

B. the faster it is moving toward us                     D. the more lead and iron it contains


     3. The layered structure of the inside of the Earth is primarily the result of             .

A. PDO                                    C. melting and gravity separation                                    E. the Big Bang

B. supernova                 D. the red shift                                                  F. gyres


___4. In our solar system, Saturn belongs to a group of planets (the "Jovian"/"Great Outer" group) with            .

A. high density and lots of Mg, Si, Fe, O             C. low density and lots of N, H, C

B. high density and lots of N, H, C                      D. low density and lots of Mg, Si, Fe, O


     5.  The reaction of H+H to produce He releases tremendous energy inside our Sun and is known as ________.

A. chemical bonding                              C. oxidation

B. hydrogen bonding                              D. nuclear fusion


     6. The first nebulas that formed in the universe were composed of only hydrogen and helium (Big Bang residue).  Which of the following is evidence that the nebula from which our solar system formed was at least in part derived (formed) from the remnants of earlier stars?

A. the Hubble constant              C. helium balloons on your birthday

B. the red shift                          D. the carbon in your pencil


     7. Which of the following contains a story of epic proportions, spanning great time and distances, about the origin of the matter we see around us today?

A. Periodic Table of elements                C. Lord of the Rings                              E. Star Wars

B. the book “From Here to Eternity”      D. “Contact” by Carl Sagan


     8. The Earth’s atmosphere and ocean were probably predominantly formed ______.

A. by photodissociation                                      C. by Earth capture of the solar wind      E. by photosynthesis

B. by outgassing of the Earth’s interior               D. during the Big Bang




     9. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that                    .

A. gravity can hurt your head     C. transfer of energy from one form to another is not 100% efficient

B. energy is always conserved   D. hit with the same force, a tennis ball will move faster than a bowling ball


     10. Which of the following best expresses Newton's Second Law?

A. the rate at which an object accelerates is directly proportional to the force applied to it

B. the gravitational force of attraction is higher for larger objects closer together

C. an object at rest will remain motionless unless acted on by a force

D. energy cannot be created or destroyed



50. Solar radiation has a central role in many of Earth's systems, such as the (a)- biosphere, (b)- atmosphere, (c)- hydrosphere/hydrologic cycle). In well-written paragraph(s), for each of these 3 systems explain a major process/mechanism by which solar radiation is important to the operation of the system, with as much detail as possible. (for example, if you feel photosynthesis is a major process/mechanism for one of the systems, you would want to describe the specific components of photosynthesis, perhaps even including an equation) [18 pts]