NATS-101 Sect. 51, 52  Fanciful Quiz 5 [Note: Quiz 5 will be all M/C]


The quiz will cover lecture material from April 4 through April 13 and associated readings (3/25-4/6)


___1. “Carrying capacity” (max. population that can be sustained) is NOT dependent on which ONE of the following?

A. raw materials                   C. energy availability                          E. food availability                                            

B. male:female ratio           D. removal of wastes


___2. A surge (increase) of world population was not associated with which of the following events?                                            

A. the tool-making revolution                           C. the Industrial Revolution

B. the agricultural revolution                             D. the Bubonic Plague


___3. Which of the following is not a serious reason for tropical rainforest deforestation?

A. new pastures for milk/meat                          C. resettlement                                     E. search for tropical medicine

B. fuelwood                                                          D. international logging


       4. Which of the following terms would you use to designate human-related activities such as mining or fossil-fuel burning?

A. anthropomorphic           B. homomorphic                 C. anthropogenic                 D. eutrophic                          E. refugia


___5. Tropical rainforests tend to have most of their carbon and nutrients in (1)____, whereas temperate forests have most  carbon and nutrients in (2)____.

A.(1) litter, (2) canopy                        B.(1) soils, (2) plants                C. (1) plants, (2) soils                     D. (1) insects, (2) plants


___6. Most of the tropical wood being harvested around the world goes to ______

A. furniture                           B. fuelwood                          C. plywood                           D. sawnwood


___7. Inputs of CO2 to the atmosphere from volcanoes are _______ CO2 emissions from fossil fuels.

A. about the same as                          B. much greater than                          C. much less than


___8. Which of the following is NOT a mechanism whereby humans input the greenhouse gas, CO2, to the atmosphere?

A. calcining (cement manufacture)                 B. fossil-fuel burning           C. land-use changes            D. nuclear power plants


       9. Deforestation not only takes place in tropical rain forests, but it has taken place in non-tropical forests as well, of which deforestation of                                                           in the 1800s is a good example.

A. Florida and the Caribbean                            C. New England and the U.S. Midwest

B. Indonesia                                                         D. Brazil               


___10. The highest atmospheric CO2 levels over the last 600 million years occur or occurred ________.      

A. 500 million years ago                    B. 20,000 years ago            C. now                   D. 1965 during above-ground nuclear testing


___11. The largest reserves of oil on our planet are located in _________________.        

A. China                                B. North America                                C. Middle East                     D. South America                                E. Antarctica


___12. Which of the following would be the best example of a renewable energy resource (in terms of the perspective of human lifetimes)?

A. coal                   B. oil                       C. natural gas                       D. ethanol/alcohol                               E. uranium


____13.  Although it would be really nice to turn the switch and immediately being using renewable energy resources, unfortunately currently around ______ of commercial energy in the U.S. is still provided by fossil fuels.

A. 10-15%                             B. 25-30%                             C. 50-55%                             D. 70-75%                             E. 85-90%            


____14.  What is the "missing sink" problem?

A. Unknown source of carbon emissions

B. Unknown process of carbon released into Earth's atmosphere

C. Unknown mechanism that removes 1.3-2.3 GtC of carbon from atmosphere

D. Unknown mechanism that removes water vapor from the atmosphere


____15.  Which factor does not determine carrying capacity?

A. natural resources            B. energy               C.  interactions                     D. mating habits


____16.  How are the nitrogen and sulfur cycles related to the carbon cycle?

A. plant productivity (photosynthesis) uses CO2 but also requires nitrogen and sulfur

B. fossil-fuel burning not only inputs CO2 into the atmosphere, but inputs N and S oxides

C. SO2 and NOx are released into Earth's atmosphere during wildfires along with CO2

D. All of the above


____17.  Which of these does not contribute to deforestation in the present?

A. Recent chemical changes in the atmosphere                            C. Resettlement

B. Conversion of forest to pasture                                   D. Debt Repayment


____18.  What is Thomas Malthus' hypothesis of world population rates dating back to the early 1800s?

A. Nuclear war will eventually destroy the population

B. Plant productivity will overpower and decimate human population

C. Population will increase exponentially unless affected by war, disease, and famine

D. Population will always be fluctuate, but its long-term trend will remain constant


___19. Which of the following is NOT a natural event impacting soils?

A- landslides         B- drought             C- agriculture        D- glaciers


___20. Which of the following events/activities influencing soils does NOT necessarily have an anthropogenic cause?

A-subsidence        B-logging               C-well pumping                    D-mining


___21. Estimated costs of soil erosion in the U.S.A. are about _______ per year.

A. $4 million         B. $40 million       C. $4 billion          D. $40 billion        E. $400 billion      F. $4 trillion


___22. A gigaton of carbon is _______.

A. 1000 tons         B. 1 million tons                   C. 1 billion tons                    D. 1 trillion tons


23. Explain the “missing sink” problem (ca. 1990s) using the following numbers:  uptake by oceans= 2.4 GtC, increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations= 3.3 GtC, fossil-fuel input= 6.3 GtC, and input from tropical land-use change= 2.2 GtC.

24. Explain an example of how the nitrogen cycle might be linked to the carbon cycle.

25. Before recent deforestation, is it fair to say that the distribution of forests (locations and species) in North America has been stable over the last 150,000 years?  Explain,

26. Are CO2 fluxes from fossil fuels to the atmosphere really pretty small compared to fluxes to the atmosphere from natural sources?  Explain.

27. How is the population profile (i.e., age distribution or “population pyramid”) of the United States different than Mexico?

28. Why are tropical/equatorial rain forests important?

29. Give 2 examples of “land-use change”.

30. What factors determine the rate of increase (or decrease) of population?

31. If a country has a population of 100 million, and its population is increasing at a rate of 3.5% per year, how long will it take to double to 200 million people?

32. What is “Peak Oil”?