NATS-101  Intro. to Global Change Fake Quiz 4     FOR M/C SELECT BEST ANSWER AMONG CHOICES

The quiz will cover lecture material from March 21-April 1 (pages 165-169, 171-193, 225-263 of Mackenzie)


___1. We cannot calculate mean residence time of carbon for which one of the following because it is not a pool/reservoir/box in the global carbon cycle? (it is a flux)

A. oceans                              B. biosphere                          C. respiration                        D. atmosphere


___2. Which of the following is NOT a mechanism whereby humans input CO2 to the atmosphere?

A. calcining (cement manufacture)                   C. land-use changes

B. fossil-fuel burning                                           D. nuclear power plants


___3. The largest reserves of oil on our planet are located _________________.        

A. China                B. North America C. Middle East                      D. South America E. Antarctica


___4. Which of the following would be a renewable energy resource (in terms of the perspective of human lifetimes)?

A. coal                   B. oil                       C. natural gas                        D. ethanol                              E. uranium


___5. Evidence that the massive extinction 250 million years ago may have been cause by a meteorite/asteroid impact comes from the presence of ______ in sedimentary rocks of that age.

A. iridium anomalies                                            C. “Bucky Balls” containing gases of extraterrestrial isotopic composition

B. nickel anomalies                                              D. cone-in-cone structures in dinosaur bones


___6. The seasonal fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 measurements are generated from photosynthesis and respiration of Earth's biosphere.  You would find the greatest amplitude of fluctuation ______________________.                                             

A. at the equator                  C. in Alaska                           E. everywhere; it is uniform world-wide

B. at the South Pole             D. in Australia                                                                                                     


___7. “Carrying capacity” (max. population that can be sustained) is NOT dependent on which ONE of the following?

A. raw materials                    C. energy availability                           E. food availability                                              

B. male:female ratio              D. removal of wastes


___8. A surge (increase) of world population was not associated with which of the following events?                                            

A. the tool-making revolution                            C. the Industrial Revolution

B. the agricultural revolution                             D. the Black Plague


­­­___9. The current atmospheric CO2 concentration is ________________.                                                            

A. almost 380 ppm                                               C. the lowest it has ever been

B. the highest it has ever been                          D. a little over 6 Gigatons


___10. The highest atmospheric CO2 levels over the last 600 million years occur or occurred ________.        

A. 500 million years ago                      C. now                                                                                                                   

B. 20,000 years ago                              D. 1965 during above-ground nuclear testing


___11. The 38,000 Gt of carbon in the marine hydrosphere is dominantly found in which one of these forms/compounds?

A. kerogen                            B. limestone                         C. CH2O                                 D. HCO3-                                E. CH4


___12. In the mid-1950s, _____ established the first continuous world monitoring of atmospheric CO2 levels (at Mauna Loa).

A. Suess                                                B. Malthus                            C. Ehrlich                               D. Keeling                             E. Fuller


12. Describe in complete but simple terms why the carbon cycle is “out of balance” (as a result of human activities).

13. Explain an example of how the nitrogen cycle might be linked to the carbon cycle.          

14. If a country has a population of 100 million, and its population is increasing at a rate of 3.5% per year, how long will it take to double to 200 million people?                             

15. Even if birth rate and death rate are equal, explain how a country’s population might continue to increase so that “zero population growth” (ZPG) is not achieved.

16. What are “land-use changes” in the context of this class?