NATS-101 Make-Believe Quiz 3


The quiz will cover lecture material from Feb. 16 through Mar. 2 inclusive (and associated material from text=> pp. 99-133, 135-169, Fig. 5.8 and 1.9)


        1. The process whereby nutrient-rich deep waters rise to the surface and support a flourishing shallow-water food web along the west coast of South America is known as           .

A. Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)                                C. El Niño                              E. tides

B. . thermohaline circulation                                               D. upwelling                          F. Gulf Stream      


        2. For a given biome, biomass would be                      .

A. the weight of living organisms                     C. the weight of dead organisms

B. the number of species                                    D. the number of individuals of a given species            


        3. During the Younger Dryas event, thermohaline circulation may have been shut down by which of these mechanisms?

A. increased ocean biomass                                                              C. input of glacial meltwater from North America

B. massive biomass extinction in the N. Atlantic            D. accelerated activity of the inter-tropical convergence zone


        4. The chemical composition of ocean water is dominated by         .

A. sodium and chloride                       C. argon and carbon dioxide

B. nitrogen and oxygen                       D. potassium and nitrate                                                                    


        5. Surface ocean currents are driven by (1)________ and commonly move in a regular pattern called (2)________.

A.  (1) density, (2) downwelling                        C. (1) wind, (2) gyres                           E. (1) gravity, (2) tides        

B.  (1) wind, (2) horse latitudes                          D. (1) density, (2) upwelling                                              


        6. At the same temperature, which of these waters would have the highest density?

A. rain water                         B. sea water                           C. river water                         D. distilled water 


        7. The densest ocean water in the world is generated               .

A. in the Indian Ocean                        C. at the tropics                                    E. near the poles

B. near the Bahamas                            D. at the Equator                                                                                


        8. Which of the following would NOT be associated with Big El Niño events?

A. warm water along West coast of S. America              C. record high anchovy catches off the Peru coast

B. high rainfall in southwestern U.S.                                                D. westerly (West to East) winds in tropical Pacific     


        9. The observation that sand heats up in the sun faster than adjacent water is related to water’s high _______.

A. specific heat                    C. latent heat                         E. ability to dissolve salts, polar & non-polar substances

B. sensible heat                    D. total dissolved solids                                                                    


        10. A teleconnection would best be described as which of the following?

A. conference phone call of global change researchers                                C. solicitation of money for global change research

B. long-distance linkage of climate events                                      D. Earth monitoring with satellite telescopes


        11. Bees would be an example of                     .

A. heterotrophs                                    C. primary producers                           E. decomposers

B. primary consumers                          D. secondary consumers                    F. A & B                               


12. Explain how eating at the base of the food chain (ie, eating the plants normally fed to beef and other livestock) would have advantages for feeding Earth's human population?


13. Why is water such an amazing fluid?


14. What is "thermohaline" circulation, and how might its disturbance lead to global change?


15. What are biotic and abiotic components of the Biosphere (more generally, of "biosystems")?


16. What is the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ)?  How and why does its position changes throughout the year? (p. 120, 122-123)


17. Contrast the terrestrial biosphere and the marine (ocean) biosphere with respect to biomass and productivity.


18. Where around the world might you expect to find substantially reduced precipitation (drought) associated with El Niño events?