Nats101 Intro to Global Change  Make-Believe Quiz 2           Name____________________________________

SELECT SINGLE BEST ANSWER AMONG THE CHOICES AND PLACE CORRECT ANSWER IN BLANK TO LEFT.  Quiz will cover lecture material from Wed Jan 28 through Mon Feb 13 and corresponding readings and GA1.


_____1. Terrestrial radiation has its peak in (1)____, whereas solar radiation has its peak in (2)________.

A. 1-x-ray radiation; 2-infrared radiation                                       C. 1-visible; 2-infrared

B. 1-infrared; 2-visible                                                                        D. 1-infrared; 2-ultraviolet     


_____2. In the hydrologic cycle, which of the following is the primary flux from the terrestrial "reservoirs" (lakes and groundwater) to the ocean "reservoir"?

A. evaporation                     B. precipitation (rain & snow)                           C. runoff               D. groundwater flow


_____3. Atmospheric pressure                      .

A. is dominantly caused by the moon                             C. is greatest at the Earth's surface                 E. A & C

B. results from the weight of air molecules     D. B & C                                                                F. all of above


_____4. The most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere is             .

A. krypton             B. argon                 C. oxygen              D. carbon dioxide                                E. nitrogen             F. hydrogen


_____5.          is an example of an important greenhouse gas.

A. nitrogen                            B. oxygen                              C. water vapor                     D. argon


_____6. You would most likely expect deserts at          latitude.

A. 0o (equator) and 30o                       B. 30o and 90o                      C. 0o and 60o            D. 0o and 90o                    E. 30o and 60o


_____7. The layer of the atmosphere in which we live is the           .

A. asthenosphere                 B. troposphere                      C. mesosphere                      D. stratosphere


_____8. The temperature at "absolute zero" would have the value of "0°" on the          scale.

A. Celsius                              B. Fahrenheit                        C. Richter                              D. Kelvin                               E. Coriolois


_____9. Which one of these processes is a "sink" that removes some free oxygen (21% O2) in our atmosphere?

A. convection                       C. photosynthesis                                E. decomposition

B. evaporation                     D. runoff                               F. volcano eruptions                          


_____10. According to Smith, very modest reduction of petroleum usage by developed (Western) countries could_____.

A. end the enhanced greenhouse effect                                          C. drive oil prices down to the lowest levels since 1971

B. provide fuel for 2 billion and improve health/ecology            D. reduce traffic congestion to pre-1800 levels


_____11. You would expect to find the highest concentrations of SiO2 in the Earth’s _______.

A. core                   B. mantle                              C. continental crust             D. oceanic crust


_____12. Besides photodissociation of H2O,  _________ contributed to formation of  the earliest oxygen at the Earth’s surface.

A. volcanoes                        B. lightning            C. cyanobacteria in stromatolites    D. limestones


13. Earth's temperature is about 300K and the surface of the sun is 6000K.  How much more energy would a body with the temperature of the sun radiate compared to a similar-size body at Earth's temperature? (show work)

14. How does the "greenhouse effect" work in the Earth-Atmosphere system?

15. Describe the operation of a “Hadley Cell”.

16. Why is the “greenhouse effect” a good thing and not a bad one (contrary to popular misconceptions)?

17.  Why is the world-wide production of many metals related to plate tectonics? Are there other factors that also may influence production?

18. Draw a diagram of the temperature structure of the atmosphere in the lowest 2 layers. Try to be accurate with heights and temperatures, and label the 2 layers.

19. Write out the equation for photosynthesis with all of its reactant and products.

20. What is the ITCZ and why does its position change throughout the year?

21. What is albedo and how could it be manipulated to reduce global warming? (see Benford reading)

22. What is the peak wavelength at which you are emitting radiation? (if you are not emitting radiation, why not?)

23. Explain how weather is different from climate.  If we set a record temperature this year, does that indicate climate change?

24. Describe 2 properties of water related to its polar nature.

25. What 3 atmospheric greenhouse gases have been increasing very rapidly in the last 150 years?

26. Draw a low pressure system and show how the winds circulate around it (Northern Hemisphere).