1- B
2- C
3. D
4- E
5- C
6- B
7- B
8- D
9- E
10- C
11- B
12- C
13. 20 x 20 x 20 x 20= 160,000 times more energy emitted by the object at 6000K
14. The Earth's atmosphere is transparent to most of the solar electromagnetic
radiation that transfers energy from the Sun to Earth. On average, the Earth’s surface
in particular absorbs a substantial amount (45%) of this incoming solar radiation, 
contributing to maintaining Earth's temperature at about 288K at which Earth emits 
terrestrial radiation (peak in infrared).  The greenhouse gases in the atmosphere 
strongly absorb this outgoing infrared radiation, keeping it in the Earth-atmosphere 
system longer, thereby maintaining Earth's mild temperature (which would be 33C lower 
if there were no GH gases)
15. The most direct incoming solar radiation is at the Earth's Equator, and the least
direct solar radiation is incident at the poles.  This results in warmer conditions at
the Equator that sets up a "convection cell" known as the Hadley Cell.  In the
Hadley Cell air rises at the Equator (from sensible and latent heat), moves aloft
toward the poles and cools, with a return flow of air back to the  Equator at the
surface to replace the rising air. Because the Earth is rotating, the Hadley Cell
actually delivers air to about 30 degrees latitude before it sinks back to the surface
and returns back to the Equator. There are other cells between 30 and 60 latitude,
and 60 and 90 degrees latitude.
16. The garden-variety everyday greenhouse effect, provided mainly by water vapor
and carbon dioxide, has been important to maintaining mild temperatures on Earth
for billions of years. (this is in contrast to the "enhanced greenhouse effect" we are
seeing right before our eyes as greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have been
increasing over the last 200 years). The greenhouse effect is responsible for our 
average Earth surface temperature of 15C, and without the greenhouse effect it would be
about -15C
17. The interactions between the lithospheric plates moving on the Earth's surface
(divergent, convergent and tranform boundaries between plates) result in special
geological environments favorable for the deposition of particular minerals and the
metals they contain.  For example, in convergent boundaries, one plate is
subducted beneath another, and in the process begins to partially melt and feed
magma chambers above, close to the surface.  These magmas in turn are the
source of ore deposits such as the copper deposits in the US Southwest.  If your
country happens to be at the location of a current plate boundary, or an ancient one,
it will have the associated mineral deposits.  Costs of mining will determine whether
your country will be able to economically exploit those deposits, or whether other
countries with cheaper costs, and maybe even fewer deposits might be a larger
producer, at least for a while.
18. From 0 to 10 km temperature decreases from 15C to about -58C; this layer at
the Earth's surface where the temperature usually decreases as you go upward is
the troposphere (where we live; where weather occurs; where there is strong vertical
and horizontal motion).  From 12 to 50 km, temperature increases from -58C to
about 0C (freezing); this layer of increasing temperature is the stratosphere (where
motion is dominantly horizontal; where the ozone layer occurs).

19. Limestones form when CO2 dissolves in water (ocean), then precipitates along with
Ca to form CaCO3.  There is a LOT of limestone, so there must have been prolonged and
continuing outgassing of the Earth's interior by volcanoes, and an extensive and
long-lived Earth ocean.