In preparation for Group Activity 3 on Friday Feb. 25,

1. Estimate how much (how many pounds) beef you eat per week (for example, steak, roast beef, prime rib, beef ribs, beef liver, hamburgers, meat balls, menudo, beef sausage, beef hot dogs, beef fajitas, beef tacos, lunch meat with beef, beef tongue, "rocky mountain oysters", small amounts of beef found when lard is used as a cooking oil for non-beef food (like french fries), beef stuff people eat on those "reality" TV programs, etc).  The 1/4-pound hamburger patty could be a good measuring stick for this estimation.

2. Estimate how much (how many pounds) of non-beef meat you eat per week (chicken, pork, lamb/mutton, turkey, fish, shellfish, moose, dolphin, sea slugs, sea cucumbers, etc, etc)

3. Read the article about nutrients present in beef:

Also read the article "Is meat sustainable":

Both articles are accessible under D2L content for the week of Feb. 21.

4. Bring calculator that you know how to use.

5. If the first writing exercise is handed back on Wednesday, the formal writing done at the end of GA3 will now be evaluated for proper use of while, since, due to, that, which.

Let me know if you have problems.