Preparation for Group Activity 2 (Friday 2-11-05)

On Wednesday, we will break out briefly into your groups for you to assign collection of water samples to 2 of your group members (they can collect water in any clean container such as a water bottle, or use the film canisters we provided if they are rinsed once or twice with the water being collected). Those people should collect the water sample and bring them to class on Friday. Group leaders should let me know if there is a problem with this.
For the Group Activity #2 preparation homework, each person should bring in 2-3 pages of material (printed from web or photocopied from library). The first 2-3 people in the group should focus their search on the country’s water resources, the second 2-3 people should focus on water pollution, and the last 2-3 people should focus on water health issues of your group's country, although everyone is likely to find information about all of these water issues (and others). Mark (underline or highlight relevant text in your homework.


You will turn these in Friday along with the completed GA#2 handout at the end of the hour to verify that in fact you did your homework preparation for this activity. The groups are as follows:

Group 1 Cobalt Iraq

Group 2 Nickel Haiti

Group 3 Beryllium Poland

Group 4 Gold Romania

Group 5 Silver Nicaragua

Group 6 Chromium Greece

Group 7 Copper Lithuania

Group 8 Lead Egypt

Group 9 Cadmium Morocco

Group 10 Aluminum Ethiopia
Group 11 Platinum

Group 12 Molybdenum Kazakhstan

Group 13 Tin Jamaica

Group 14 Zinc Pakistan

Group 15 Mercury Madagascar