FALL 2015


(Be sure you purchase the shrink-wrapped package)  Cost: $49.50 available at ASUA bookstore:
                              Find it on the shelves in the basement under the author KUMP
    Dire Predictions, 2nd ed
Shrink-wrapped with
 Science of Global Change 3E eBook
Student ACCESS Code Card

code card
by Michael E. Mann & Lee R. Kump (2015) 2nd edition   This card contains your personal Access Code to the KUMP Science of Global Change eBook, a custom electronic textbook arranged specifically for our course.  This eBook is the PRINCIPLE text.

Directions on how to use the access code to register online
and open up the eBook are posted at QUICK LINKS

The Science of Global Change E-Book Package is available for purchase
in the basement of the ASUA Bookstore; locate it on the shelves under the author KUMP

 Class Notes Packet (REQUIRED ) -- A packet that includes notes for each class period and additional information to supplement the course is also required (cost will be about $13). 

The Class Notes packets are NOT YET available!
           Please wait for Dr H's announcement during the first week of class.
When they are available during the first week of class you will find them on the Class Notes shelves under the course #: GC 170A1



  ResponseWare License OR TurningTechnologies Response Card (REQUIRED)  -- The ResponseWare software works on your computer, tablet, or smartphone -- or you can purchase a Response Card device ("clicker") that lets you click and send instant responses to questions during class.   You can then find out if your answer was correct and how the rest of the class responded.  We'll be using the "clicker responses" a lot this semester and part of your grade will be based on clicker responses.  

Find out all about the Response Card (Clickers) and ResponseWare by clicking HERE

The clicker devices ("Response Cards") are available in the basement of the ASUA Bookstore and cost  $53.50 new and $40.25 used.  You can also purchase them online for less $ but you will have to wait for them to be shipped to you. Alternatively, if you have a smartphone, tablet, or laptop that you bring to class regularly, you can purchase a ResponseWare license (1 year license for about $20,  4 year license for about $35) and install it on your device. Directions on how to get a license for ResponseWare can be found HERE.

Directions on how to register your clicker or ResponseWare Device ID are posted on our GC 170A1 D2L website under Clicker Registration "How To"

Computer & Internet Access
  is REQUIRED for this class.
  --  To access the e-text and class assignments you'll need internet access & an up-to-date browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc., available in the UA Libraries and UA Information Commons & Campus Computer Labs).  For information on computer access on campus or from home see the Computing on Campus online resources at: http://uits.arizona.edu/studentservices

Help is also available at all OSCR (Office of Student Computing Resources) Labs & Help Desks on campus -- see: http://www.oscr.arizona.edu/



























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