To send an Absolution Request for an extention of an RQ, do the following:



  1. Send an EMAIL to DR H exactly as follows:

    • For the SUBECT enter:  ABSOLUTION REQUEST FOR RQ ___
      (filling in the blank with the # of the RQ you want extended, e.g.,  RQ 1, RQ 2 )

    • In the BODY of your email message, REQUEST the extention for the specific RQ you need and EXPLAIN WHY you need the extension.

  2. Wait and watch for an EMAIL RESPONSE MESSAGE from Dr H telling you that your extension has been granted.  The message will contain the NEW CUTOFF DATE  & TIME.    (Note: you will usually get a response within a day - be patient.)  

  3. COMPLETE the extended RQ right away.  Do not  wait until the last minute or you might miss the new cutoff time!