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00001 #include        "sadie.h"
00003 extern short csize;
00004 extern PIXEL thresh;
00005 extern double weight;
00007 /*-Copyright Information------------------------------------------------------*/
00008 /* Copyright (c) 1988 by the University of Arizona Digital Image Analysis Lab */
00009 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00010 /*-General Information--------------------------------------------------------*/
00011 /*                                                                            */
00012 /*   This function performs a user-specified neighborhood operation using     */
00013 /*   a moving window. Several library operations (WTF...) are available.      */
00014 /*                                                                            */
00015 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00016 /*-Interface Information------------------------------------------------------*/
00017 void
00018 WINDOW (IMAGE * in,             /*  I   Pointer to the input image.                           */
00019         PIXEL (*wtf) (PIXEL *, short, short),
00020         /*  I   Address of the filter function.                       */
00021         short jsize,            /*  I   Number of lines in the window.                        */
00022         short ksize,            /*  I   Number of pixels/line in the window.                  */
00023         IMAGE ** out            /*  O   Address of a pointer to the output image.             */
00024 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00025   )
00026 {
00027   register short i, j, k, l, m, n, jmarg = (jsize - 1) / 2, kmarg =
00028     (ksize - 1) / 2;
00029   char msg[SLEN];
00030   PIXEL *wnd = 0;
00031   double pinc, psum;
00033   if (TIMES)
00034     TIMING (T_WINDOW);
00035   if (NAMES)
00036     {
00037       MESSAGE ('I', "");
00038       MESSAGE ('I', "WINDOW");
00039       MESSAGE ('I', "");
00040       sprintf (msg, " Input image:           %s", in->text);
00041       MESSAGE ('I', msg);
00042       sprintf (msg, " Window size: lines:    %d", jsize);
00043       MESSAGE ('I', msg);
00044       sprintf (msg, "              pixels:   %d", ksize);
00045       MESSAGE ('I', msg);
00046       if (wtf == WTFCAVG)
00047         {
00048           MESSAGE ('I', " Conditional average filter");
00049           sprintf (msg, " Set size threshold:               %d", csize);
00050           MESSAGE ('I', msg);
00051           sprintf (msg, " Graylevel difference threshold: %12.4e", thresh);
00052           MESSAGE ('I', msg);
00053         }
00054       else if (wtf == WTFDIVER)
00055         {
00056           MESSAGE ('I', " Diversity map");
00057         }
00058       else if (wtf == WTFMAJ)
00059         {
00060           MESSAGE ('I', " Majority filter");
00061           sprintf (msg, " Center pixel weight: %12.4e", weight);
00062           MESSAGE ('I', msg);
00063         }
00064       else if (wtf == WTFMAX)
00065         {
00066           MESSAGE ('I', " Maximum filter");
00067         }
00068       else if (wtf == WTFMIN)
00069         {
00070           MESSAGE ('I', " Minimum filter");
00071         }
00072       else if (wtf == WTFVAR)
00073         {
00074           MESSAGE ('I', " Variance map");
00075         }
00076       MESSAGE ('I', " ...............");
00077     }
00079   /* check input */
00080   if (!CHECKIMG (in))
00081     {
00082       MESSAGE ('E', " Can't identify image.");
00083       goto the_end;
00084     }
00085   else if (!wtf)
00086     {
00087       MESSAGE ('E', " Can't identify window function.");
00088       goto the_end;
00089     }
00090   else if (jsize <= 0 || jsize % 2 == 0)
00091     {
00092       MESSAGE ('E',
00093                " Window line size must be an odd number greater than zero.");
00094       goto the_end;
00095     }
00096   else if (jsize > in->nlin)
00097     {
00098       MESSAGE ('E',
00099                " Image line size must be equal to or greater than window line size.");
00100       goto the_end;
00101     }
00102   else if (ksize <= 0 || ksize % 2 == 0)
00103     {
00104       MESSAGE ('E',
00105                " Window pixel size must be an odd number greater than zero.");
00106       goto the_end;
00107     }
00108   else if (ksize > in->npix)
00109     {
00110       MESSAGE ('E',
00111                " Image pixel size must be equal to or greater than window pixel size.");
00112       goto the_end;
00113     }
00115   /* create image of appropriate size */
00116   if (!CHECKIMG (*out))
00117     GETMEM (in->nbnd, in->nlin, in->npix, out);
00118   if (!*out)
00119     goto the_end;
00121   /* allocate space for 1-D array */
00122   if (!(wnd = (PIXEL *) malloc (jsize * ksize * sizeof (PIXEL))))
00123     {
00124       MESSAGE ('E', " Memory request failed.");
00125       goto the_end;
00126     }
00128   /* initialize progress indicator */
00129   if (LINES && !PROGRESS (psum = 0.0))
00130     goto the_end;
00131   pinc = 1.0 / (double) in->nbnd / (double) (in->nlin - 2 * jmarg);
00133   /* put pixels inside window into array and call the window function */
00134   for (i = 0; i < in->nbnd; i++)
00135     {
00136       for (j = jmarg; j < in->nlin - jmarg; j++)
00137         {
00138           for (k = kmarg; k < in->npix - kmarg; k++)
00139             {
00140               for (n = 0, l = j - jmarg; l <= j + jmarg; l++)
00141                 {
00142                   for (m = k - kmarg; m <= k + kmarg; m++)
00143                     {
00144                       wnd[n++] = in->data[i][l][m];
00145                     }
00146                 }
00147               (*out)->data[i][j][k] = (*wtf) (wnd, jsize, ksize);
00148             }
00149           if (LINES && !PROGRESS (psum += pinc))
00150             goto the_end;
00151         }
00153       /* fill top and bottom margins */
00154       for (j = 0; j < jmarg; j++)
00155         {
00156           for (k = kmarg; k < in->npix - kmarg; k++)
00157             {
00158               (*out)->data[i][j][k] = (*out)->data[i][jmarg][k];
00159               (*out)->data[i][in->nlin - j - 1][k] =
00160                 (*out)->data[i][in->nlin - jmarg - 1][k];
00161             }
00162         }
00164       /* fill left and right margins */
00165       for (j = 0; j < in->nlin; j++)
00166         {
00167           for (k = 0; k < kmarg; k++)
00168             {
00169               (*out)->data[i][j][k] = (*out)->data[i][j][kmarg];
00170               (*out)->data[i][j][in->npix - k - 1] =
00171                 (*out)->data[i][j][in->npix - kmarg - 1];
00172             }
00173         }
00174     }
00176 the_end:
00177   if (wnd)
00178     free (wnd);
00179   if (TIMES)
00180     TIMING (T_EXIT);
00181 }
00183 /*-Copyright Information------------------------------------------------------*/
00184 /* Copyright (c) 1990 by the University of Arizona Digital Image Analysis Lab */
00185 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00186 /*-General Information--------------------------------------------------------*/
00187 /*                                                                            */
00188 /*   This library function computes a local conditional average filter.       */
00189 /*                                                                            */
00190 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00191 /*-Background Information-----------------------------------------------------*/
00192 /*                                                                            */
00193 /*   Ryan, T.W.:                                                              */
00194 /*   "Image Segmentation Algorithms."                                         */
00195 /*   SPIE, Vol. 534, pp. 172-178, 1985                                        */
00196 /*                                                                            */
00197 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00198 /*-Interface Information------------------------------------------------------*/
00199 extern short csize;             /*  I   Threshold for size of center pixel set.       */
00200 extern PIXEL thresh;            /*  I   Graylevel difference threshold.               */
00201 PIXEL
00202 WTFCAVG (PIXEL * wnd,           /*  I   Pointer to the window matrix[jsize][ksize].           */
00203          short jsize,           /*  I   Number of lines in the window.                        */
00204          short ksize            /*  I   Number of pixels/line in the window.                  */
00205 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00206   )
00207 {
00208   register short i, count = 0;
00209   PIXEL center = wnd[jsize / 2 * ksize + ksize / 2], sum1 = (PIXEL) 0, sum2 =
00210     (PIXEL) 0, minval = wnd[0], maxval = wnd[0];
00212   if (TIMES)
00213     TIMING (T_WTFCAVG);
00215   /* compute conditional average */
00216   for (i = 0; i < jsize * ksize; i++)
00217     {
00218       if ((PIXEL) fabs ((double) (wnd[i] - center)) <= thresh)
00219         {
00220           sum1 += wnd[i];
00221           count += 1;
00222         }
00223       else if (csize != 0)
00224         {
00225           sum2 += wnd[i];
00226           minval = min (minval, wnd[i]);
00227           maxval = max (maxval, wnd[i]);
00228         }
00229     }
00230   if (csize == 0 || count > csize)
00231     {
00232       center = (PIXEL) ((double) sum1 / (double) count);
00233     }
00234   else if (csize != 0 && (PIXEL) fabs ((double) (maxval - minval)) <= thresh)
00235     {
00236       center = (PIXEL) ((double) sum2 / (double) (jsize * ksize - count));
00237     }
00239 the_end:
00240   if (TIMES)
00241     TIMING (T_EXIT);
00242   return (center);
00243 }
00245 /*-Copyright Information------------------------------------------------------*/
00246 /* Copyright (c) 1988 by the University of Arizona Digital Image Analysis Lab */
00247 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00248 /*-General Information--------------------------------------------------------*/
00249 /*                                                                            */
00250 /*   This library function computes the local graylevel diversity.            */
00251 /*                                                                            */
00252 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00253 /*-Interface Information------------------------------------------------------*/
00254 PIXEL
00255 WTFDIVER (PIXEL * wnd,          /*  I   Pointer to the window matrix[jsize][ksize].           */
00256           short jsize,          /*  I   Number of lines in the window.                        */
00257           short ksize           /*  I   Number of pixels/line in the window.                  */
00258 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00259   )
00260 {
00261   register short i, j, diversity = 0;
00263   if (TIMES)
00264     TIMING (T_WTFDIVER);
00266   for (i = 0; i < jsize * ksize; i++)
00267     {
00268       for (++diversity, j = 0; j < i; j++)
00269         {
00270           if (wnd[i] == wnd[j])
00271             {
00272               diversity -= 1;
00273               break;
00274             }
00275         }
00276     }
00278 the_end:
00279   if (TIMES)
00280     TIMING (T_EXIT);
00281   return ((PIXEL) diversity);
00282 }
00284 /*-Copyright Information------------------------------------------------------*/
00285 /* Copyright (c) 1988 by the University of Arizona Digital Image Analysis Lab */
00286 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00287 /*-General Information--------------------------------------------------------*/
00288 /*                                                                            */
00289 /*   This library function computes a local majority filter.                  */
00290 /*                                                                            */
00291 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00292 /*-Background Information-----------------------------------------------------*/
00293 /*                                                                            */
00294 /*   Schowengerdt, R.A.:                                                      */
00295 /*   "Techniques for Image Processing and Classification in Remote Sensing."  */
00296 /*   Academic Press, New York, 1983, pp. 188-190                              */
00297 /*                                                                            */
00298 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00299 /*-Interface Information------------------------------------------------------*/
00300 extern short nlev;              /*  I   Number of graylevels in the input image.      */
00301 extern PIXEL gmin;              /*  I   Minimum graylevel in the input image.         */
00302 extern double weight;           /*  I   Class count weight of the center pixel.       */
00303 extern double *count;           /*  O   Pointer to an array[nlev], containing         */
00304                         /*      the weighted number of pixels for each class. */
00305 PIXEL
00306 WTFMAJ (PIXEL * wnd,            /*  I   Pointer to the window matrix[jsize][ksize].           */
00307         short jsize,            /*  I   Number of lines in the window.                        */
00308         short ksize             /*  I   Number of pixels/line in the window.                  */
00309 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00310   )
00311 {
00312   register short i, pclass, center =
00313     (short) (wnd[jsize / 2 * ksize + ksize / 2] - gmin);
00314   double plurality;
00316   if (TIMES)
00317     TIMING (T_WTFMAJ);
00319   /* initialize counter array */
00320   for (i = 0; i < nlev; count[i++] = 0.0);
00322   /* count number of pixels in each class */
00323   for (i = 0; i < jsize * ksize; i++)
00324     {
00325       count[(short) (wnd[i] - gmin)] += 1.0;
00326     }
00328   /* weight center pixel class */
00329   count[center] *= weight;
00331   /* find plurality class and make sure that plurality > simple majority and that plurality is unique */
00332   for (plurality = count[pclass = 0], i = 1; i < nlev; i++)
00333     {
00334       if (count[i] > plurality && i != center)
00335         plurality = count[pclass = i];
00336     }
00337   if (plurality <= (double) (jsize * ksize) / 2.0
00338       || plurality <= count[center])
00339     pclass = center;
00341 the_end:
00342   if (TIMES)
00343     TIMING (T_EXIT);
00344   return ((PIXEL) pclass + gmin);
00345 }
00347 /*-Copyright Information------------------------------------------------------*/
00348 /* Copyright (c) 1988 by the University of Arizona Digital Image Analysis Lab */
00349 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00350 /*-General Information--------------------------------------------------------*/
00351 /*                                                                            */
00352 /*   This library function computes a local maximum filter.                   */
00353 /*                                                                            */
00354 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00355 /*-Interface Information------------------------------------------------------*/
00356 PIXEL
00357 WTFMAX (PIXEL * wnd,            /*  I   Pointer to the window matrix[jsize][ksize].           */
00358         short jsize,            /*  I   Number of lines in the window.                        */
00359         short ksize             /*  I   Number of pixels/line in the window.                  */
00360 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00361   )
00362 {
00363   register short i;
00364   PIXEL maxval = wnd[0];
00366   if (TIMES)
00367     TIMING (T_WTFMAX);
00369   /* find local maximum */
00370   for (i = 1; i < jsize * ksize; i++)
00371     {
00372       maxval = max (maxval, wnd[i]);
00373     }
00375 the_end:
00376   if (TIMES)
00377     TIMING (T_EXIT);
00378   return (maxval);
00379 }
00381 /*-Copyright Information------------------------------------------------------*/
00382 /* Copyright (c) 1988 by the University of Arizona Digital Image Analysis Lab */
00383 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00384 /*-General Information--------------------------------------------------------*/
00385 /*                                                                            */
00386 /*   This library function computes a local minimum filter.                   */
00387 /*                                                                            */
00388 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00389 /*-Interface Information------------------------------------------------------*/
00390 PIXEL
00391 WTFMIN (PIXEL * wnd,            /*  I   Pointer to the window matrix[jsize][ksize].           */
00392         short jsize,            /*  I   Number of lines in the window.                        */
00393         short ksize             /*  I   Number of pixels/line in the window.                  */
00394 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00395   )
00396 {
00397   register short i;
00398   PIXEL minval = wnd[0];
00400   if (TIMES)
00401     TIMING (T_WTFMIN);
00403   /* find local minimum */
00404   for (i = 1; i < jsize * ksize; i++)
00405     {
00406       minval = min (minval, wnd[i]);
00407     }
00409 the_end:
00410   if (TIMES)
00411     TIMING (T_EXIT);
00412   return (minval);
00413 }
00415 /*-Copyright Information------------------------------------------------------*/
00416 /* Copyright (c) 1988 by the University of Arizona Digital Image Analysis Lab */
00417 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00418 /*-General Information--------------------------------------------------------*/
00419 /*                                                                            */
00420 /*   This library function computes a local variance map.                     */
00421 /*                                                                            */
00422 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00423 /*-Interface Information------------------------------------------------------*/
00424 PIXEL
00425 WTFVAR (PIXEL * wnd,            /*  I   Pointer to the window matrix[jsize][ksize].           */
00426         short jsize,            /*  I   Number of lines in the window.                        */
00427         short ksize             /*  I   Number of pixels/line in the window.                  */
00428 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00429   )
00430 {
00431   register short i;
00432   double area = jsize * ksize;
00433   PIXEL sum = (PIXEL) 0, sumsq = (PIXEL) 0;
00435   if (TIMES)
00436     TIMING (T_WTFVAR);
00438   for (i = 0; i < jsize * ksize; i++)
00439     {
00440       sum += wnd[i];
00441       sumsq += wnd[i] * wnd[i];
00442     }
00444 the_end:
00445   if (TIMES)
00446     TIMING (T_EXIT);
00447   return ((PIXEL)
00448           ((double) sumsq / area -
00449            ((double) sum / area) * ((double) sum / area)));
00450 }

Generated on Sun May 18 15:36:20 2003 for tclSadie by doxygen1.3