(adapted from University of Oregon Teaching Effectiveness Program website)

CAUTION:  Many of these links are no longer active -- I am in the process of updating them where possible!


Faculty Development Centers Around the World

Instructional Web Resources

Good Teaching Ideas:
   Group Learning
   Teaching Large Classes
   Inclusive Education
   Service Learning
    The Teaching Portfolio


Faculty Development Centers Around the World

In the United States:

American Association for Higher Education
"... a national, individual membership o rganization dedicated to improving the quality of American higher education."
Bemidji State University: Center for Professional Development
"The Center for Professional Development enhances faculty development and fosters a creative climate of teaching and learning at Bemidji State University."
California State University, Fresno: Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
"The Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning organizes workshops and conferences ...; administers in-house funding programs to enhance faculty careers; provides special programs to support faculty in their various roles; and maintains a resource area with books and videotapes ...."
University of California at Irvine: Instructional Development Services
This site is intended to provide services to faculty related to the use of technology in good ped agogyy.
University of California at Santa Barbara
TAs as Teachers "A handbook for teac hing assistants at UCSB."
Handbook on Teaching for UCSB Faculty: Tips, Resources, Policies

University of California at Santa Cruz: The Center for Teaching Excellence
"The Center for Teaching Excellence is a professional resource for facult y and graduate students, dedicated to promoting and recognizing teaching excellence at UC Santa Cruz. CTE maintains the campus focus on teaching and the development of teaching by a wide variety of means designed to enh ance instructional quality and improve student performance."
The Center for Faculty Development and Instructional Services
"We invite UBC faculty and graduate students to take part in our diverse range of seminars and training events; we also encourage them to drop by the Centre to discuss their teaching issues with our trained staff."
The Collaboration for the Advancement of College Teaching and Learning
An alliance of public, private and tribal colleges that supports and promotes outstanding college teaching.
University Teaching and Learning: An Instructional Resource Guide for Teaching Assistants at Dalhousie University.
Provides information for the improvement of Teaching Assistant led courses.
Education World - where educators go to learn
"Education World's goal is to make it easy for educators to integrate the Internet into the classroom." Also a good source of educational news.
Effective Teaching: The Carolina Colloquy's Electronic Journal of University Teaching and Learning
"Effective Teaching is an electronic journal devoted to the exchange of ideas and information relevant to college and university teaching in North Carolina."
Getting Ready to Teach - Resources for Teaching Assistants
A compilation of sites useful for those preparing to teach.
Higher Education Development International
Information on "Models of teaching and learning in higher education; what's happening in various universities around the world; the way Educational Development Units operate; information about conferences and publications in higher education."
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Office of Instructional Resources
"The OIR is a campus-wide service unit responsible for assisting faculty, academic units, and teaching assistants in improving instruction."
University of Iowa: Center for Teaching
"The mission of the Center for Teaching is to promote and support efforts to enhance instruction at The University of Iowa."
 Mankato State University: Center for Faculty Development
"...the mission of the MSU Center for Faculty Development (CFD) is to promote faculty and staff development by generating, coordinating, communicating, and sponsoring activities for MSU faculty and staff in the areas of teaching, learning, research, continuing preparation, and service."
 University of Massachusetts at Amherst: Center for Teaching
"The Center For Teaching grew out of a desire among faculty and administators to provide support for teaching."
University of Michigan: Center for Research on Learning and Teaching
"CRLT is dedicated to the support and advancement of learning and teaching at the University of Michigan, with special emphasis on undergraduate education."
Michigan State University: Teaching Assistant Program
"The mission of the MSU Teaching Assistant Program is simply to provide ser vices to facilitate our TAs' professional development through their instruction and instructionally related activities."
University of Minnesota's Center for Teaching and Learning Services
Teaching support from the University of Minnesota.
University of North Carolina at Ashville: Center for Faculty Development
The center "is designed to provide services in aid of teaching improvement, scholarship, service, career planning and development, and almost any other faculty responsibility. "
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Center for Teaching and Learning
Supports excellence in teaching at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Northwestern University: Searle Center for Teaching Excellence
"The Center promotes an ongoing discussion about teaching and learning matters, striving both to facilitate that conversation and to contribute to it intellectually."

University Of Oklahoma Ideas On Teaching
Provides information for the betterment of one's teaching skills and the subsequent improvement of student learning.

Ohio State University: Office of Faculty and TA Development
"The Office of Faculty and TA Development (FTAD) at The Ohio State University exists to help faculty and teaching associates excel in teaching and experience the satisfaction that results from teaching well."
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development
"The Centre brings together the staff development and teaching support functions."
Penn State University: Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
"CELT is dedicated to enhancing undergraduate education at Penn State by working collaboratively with those who are charged with the responsibility of teaching --including faculty, instructors, teaching assista nts, departments, colleges, and campuses."
Portland State University: Center for Academic Excellence
"The Teaching and Learning Excellence group has many different projects to improve student outcomes and enhance faculty scholarship."
Providence College: Center for Teaching Excellence
"The Center's mission is to advance the cause of college teaching by working with faculty members to cultivate an institutional climate in which teaching is highly valued and which promotes excellence in student learning."
Radford University: Center for Teaching Excellence
"We specifically address faculty needs and interests in the areas of teaching effectiveness and faculty development."
Stanford University Center for Teaching and Learning
"Our goal is to see teaching equally valued with research as a professional commitment of faculty and teaching assistants and to provide the training and resources to make excellent teaching possible."
University of Southern California: Center for Excellence in Teaching
"The Center for Excellence in Teaching [CET] is committed to improving the undergraduate teaching and learning environment at the University of Southern California."
University of Texas: Center for Teaching Effectiveness
"The Center provides both basic and advanced information about the teaching/learning process through an array of formats, including group seminars , classes, self-study materials and individual consultation on specific questions."
United States: Department of Education
News and resources for education professionals including full text of many DOE publications.
University of Virginia: Teaching Resource Center
The TRC supports, guides, and catal yzes effective teaching at the University of Virginia.
University of Washington: Center for Instructional Development and Research
"CIDR assists faculty, teaching assistants, departments/units, and administrators with teaching and learning challenges as the UW moves into the 21st Century."
Instructional Web-Resources
Active Learning on the Web
Bernie Dodge, Department of Educational Technology, San Diego State University
The Anderson Center for Innovation in Undergraduate Education
"The Anderson Center is dedicated to improving undergraduate education through the deployment of new pedagogical methods and innovative uses of technology."
Case-Based Reasoning
Part of a hypermedia book from Engines for Education.
The Center for Critical Thinking
The Center for Critical Thinking conducts advanced research and disseminates information about the theory and practice of critical thinking.
The Chronicle of Higher Education
"The Chronicle is the No. 1 news source for college and university faculty members and administrators."
Consortium for Computing in Undergraduate Education, Inc. (C-CUE)
"C-CUE is a regional association of colleges and universities committed to developing and expanding the appropriate use of computing and other information technologies in undergraduate education."
Cooperative Learning
The Education CONSUMER GUIDES series is produced by the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) of the U.S. Department of Education.
Cooperative Learning Center
Center staff develop and refine theory and (a) cooperative, competitive, and individualistic efforts and (b) conflict resolution. Staff are engaged in programmatic, long-term research to validate the theories.
Council for the Renewal of Undergraduate Education
"The purpose of the Council for the Renewal of Undergraduate Education is to promote and support efforts to develop the quality and renewal of undergraduate education."
"DiversityWeb links Colleges and Universities that are worki ng to engage the diversity of United States society in educational mission, campus climate, curriculum focus and connections with the larger society."
"The mission of EDUCAUSE is to help shape and enable transformational change in higher education through the introduction, use, and management of information resources and technologies in teaching, learning, scholarship, research, and institutional management."
 From Teaching to Learning: Part III. Lectures and Approaches to Active Learning
In this paper we first explore some of the prac tical issues related to active learning. We then discuss ways in which the instructor can improve upon the lecture in order to increase student learning and activity within that educational format.
HEPROC higher education expertise database
"HEPROC is a well-developed, well-maintained community of thoughtful educators wh o serve each other as networking partners."
Journal on Excellence in College Teaching
The Journal on Excellence in College Teaching (ISSN 1052-4800) is published by Miami University.
National Teaching and Learning Forum
"The National Teaching & Learning Forum on-line edition -- like the printed version -- offers subscribers stimulating insight from colleagues eager to share new ways of helping students reach the highest levels of learning."
New Chalk
"Each issue of New Chalk will focus on real, practical examples of how instructors use the new technology in their teaching. "
New Tools for Teaching
"That's the perspective here -- how to take our academic "day job" and do it better, improve morale among faculty and students, and begin the transformation of our institutions into the forms they will need to take in the information age."
Problem-Based Learning at the University of Delaware
Problem-Based Learning helps students develop the ability to think critically, analyze problems, and find and use appropriate learning resources...
San Francisco State University: I nstructional Technologies
"The program is directed toward the education of professionals in the design and production of instructional programs and materials."

Scholarly Societies Project World Wide Web Index
An index of links to other scholarly societies.
Schreyer Institute for Innovation in Learning
"To promote partnerships among students, staff, and faculty to design and engage in problem-focused, problem-framing learning experiences that foster inquiry, initiative, and team work." This site has a lot of great ideas organized by class size: small, medium or large.
Service Learning
AAHE Series on Service-Learning in the Disciplines. "Service-learning helps promote both intellectual and civic engagement by linking the work students do in the classroom to real-world problems and real-world needs. Without compromising academic rigor or discipline-specific objectives, service-learning gives students concrete reasons for doing their personal best."
Sherman Consulting | Inclusion Solutions
Sherman Consulting is concerned with Inclusive Education through training and technology.
The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
"The (STLHE) is a national association of academics interested in the improvement of teaching and learni ng in higher education."
Includes a NASA Regional Teacher Resource Center, links, instructional materials, and more.
Thornburg Center for Professional Development
"... one of the foremost pr oviders of staff development in the field of education and educational technology in the world. Our expertise spans many areas: scenarios for the future, paradigm shifting, and exploring ways a wide spectrum of technologies can be used by learners of all ages in many environments."
VCU Teaching
A magazine focused on teaching in higher education.
Virtual Classroom
"This page contains links to resources for faculty interested in integrating technology into their teaching."

MORE LINKS to Teaching and Learning Centers Nation-Wide 
(sorted by university/college; from the University of Virginia Teaching Resource Center)


Good Teaching Ideas

Group Learning:
Collaborative Learning
An on-line discussion of the issues and topics involved in cooperative learning.
Cooperative/Collaborative Learning for Active Student Involvement (Univ of Virginia)

    Playing Card Activity (to get students into groups)
    Cooperative Controversies
    Tips on Cooperative Learning

From Rowdy Crowd to Effective Team
- If an instructor views a classroom of students as a task-oriented learning group it becomes more likely that that instructor will design and implement group development activities.
Peer Assessment in Group Work
How peer assessment can encourage all students to do their "share."

The Instructional Objectives Writing Assistant:  I.O.W.A.  -- [NOTE:  this link doesn't seem to be working right now -- I'm checking it out.]  "This site, and the knowledge-based system that is embedded in it, is intended to help instructors write better educational objectives."  Includes an interactive Assistant Tool which asks you a series of questions about your course and gives you a graphical and textual summary report about your course in the context of Bloom's Taxonomy. (from School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta) 

Teaching Large Classes:

Clicking with Large Classes
Karen Kelsky, assistant professor in anthropology, had this to say on teaching large lectures.

Inclusive Education:

Inclusion Press Homepage
- Inclusion Press i s a small independent press striving to produce readable, accessible, user-friendly books and resources about full inclusion in school, work, and community.
Inclusive Education Web Site b y the Renaissance Group
- The Whats and How Tos of Inclusive Education
The NCIP Homepage
- The National Center to Improve Practice in Special Education Through Technology, Media, and Materials


The National Service-Learning Cooperative Clearinghouse
-The i nitial goal of the NSLC is to assist K-12 Learn and Serve America funded programs and other educators and community agencies to develop and expand service-learning opportunities for all youth.
The Service-Learning Homepage
- The Colorado Service-Learning Resource Center (CSLRC) is an electronic information clearinghouse on K-12 service-learning within Colorado and K-16 collaboration in service-learning throughout the United Sta tes.
The Big Dummy's Guide to Service-Learning!
- 27 Simple Answers to Good Questions on: Faculty, Programmatic, Student, Administrative, & Non-Profit Issues
Learn and Serve America
- Learn and Serve America is a grants program that supports teachers and community members who involve young people in service that relates to studies in schoo l.

Teaching Portfolios: 

A Short Guide for Evaluating Teaching  (pdf file) -- contains a section on teaching portfolios and lots of other excellent info on evaluating teaching)
(University of Arizona Assessment & Enrollment Research, written by Elena Berman, PhD)

The Teaching Portfolio at Washington State University
Guidelines for creating a teaching portfolio.

The Teaching Portfolio    (pdf file)
        (A publication of The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Brown University) 

Teaching Portfolios 
     (University of Virginia Teaching Resource Center; site includes several short online articles and a bibliography)


For Graduate Students:

Teaching Assistant Program Handbook (see Chapter 4 for a section on Teaching Portfolios for graduate students)
        (from TA Program, Michigan State University) 

Elements of a Portfolio 
Department of English, West Virginia University; for grad students seeking jobs, etc.)